Studio Ark 



Utøya Memorial

The project ‘HJEM’ was a proposal for a memorial at Utoya following the terror attack of 22. July 2011.

Shaped as a traditional norwegian ‘stue’, the walls and content of the home have been torn apart, creating a fragmented mirror-image of the familiar notion of domesticity. The walls have been stripped bare, exposing the interior which shows a moment deserted. A chair has fallen over, food is still set out, and the sink is full of unwashed dishes. A single uncovered light standing in the corner of the room remains turned on, suggesting noone has been able to return.

The memorial tries to talk of how tragedy exposes an otherwise private, interior world. What is meant as a protected, personal space is suddenly laid vulnurable to outside stares and intrusion. With the entire structure falling apart, it is impossible to regain the moment before.

The memorial hinges on the input on those affected, and their families. The various objects that populate the room would be reproductions of personal items, cast in weathered steel to match the structure. These personal effects make the memorial a representation of all the different spaces that are lost. These lost spaces represent the cornerstones of a our personal worlds; where we feel safe and comfortable, and where we allow ourselves to think of the future.